What's so special about a Paul Mann Custom Boat? For starters, the combination of time tested techniques married with the latest in high-tech materials, technology and processes. The traditional wood plank on frame construction with plywood overlay provides the core of the boat. Tricel, honeycomb, decolite and foam are just a few of the "newer tricks" that make our boats very light compared to other boats of equal size. But it's the design that allows our boats to perform exceptionally well in all sea conditions, whether a following sea, side-to or head-to sea. And, our boats do not need an exaggerated flair or an exaggerated tumblehome to be a sleek, traditional true Carolina hull.
What else is special? Our process! We build only 3 boats at a time, allowing better control of quality and attention to details along with on-site supervision from Paul, without excessive overhead. Our setup process is very versatile, using batons to shape the shear and chine facilitates changes in length, width and height without the expense of new jigs. Drawings and measurements based on Paul's proven techniques are also used in shaping the boat. Setup costs are minimal.
Another interesting aspect about our process is owner involvement... we build relationships as well as boats. Our clients become part of the "design team" creating custom interiors to match their imagination and life style. From drawings to completion, we proudly build our own interiors, totally in-house to the owners' specifications. Only the highest quality materials and amenity brands are utilized.