Frank M. Weeks Yacht Yard is dedicated to its customers in all aspects of service. After 106 years we are now growing faster than ever. Many customers are unaware that we are so much more than a marina and storage facility. We are restoration and boat building experts in wood, fiberglass and composite materials. We manufacture Force 5 sailboats and DN iceboats in house by our talented staff of craftsman. We are tops in the field of refinishing services, be it traditional paints, varnishes or Awlgrip. We are a fully staffed mechanical yard, specializing in inboard gas and diesel engines. Everything from tune ups to repowers are only a phone call a way. We are also sailboat specialists. Unstepping or stepping rigs to 70' is no problem. With world class yacht racers on staff, rigging and tuning is never a problem. We also have a full service marine store and are Vanguard Sailboat dealers, stocking Sunfish sailboats and a multitude of sailboat parts and gear. Open year round, Weeks Yacht Yard is now providing its services to the boating community in its third century of continual family business heritage.