
Saveene.com Inc Details

Detailed Overview

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106 Moorings Dr.
Lantana, FL 33462

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About Us

When you join Saveene and buy your membership package, you will be given a set amount of privileges that come along with that membership. The biggest privilege will be your massive 370 engine hours allocated over 5 years. If we were to think about this in terms of averages, we would see that the average boat owner only spends 40-50 hours a year using his vessel.

If you are used to chartering boats, that is fine. Just keep in mind that a Saveene Yacht Membership is on average 30% less expensive than a charter! Why spend your money on chartering when you can save money as a fractional owner. We know that you are a detailed oriented person. So we invite you to do the math.

Products & Services Include
  • Entertainment
    Boat Captain

    Description for Boat Captain

    You offer this for:

    • Yachts
    • Sailing
    Boat Rentals & Clubs

    Description for Boat Rentals & Clubs

    Yacht Charter

    Description for Yacht Charter

    You offer this for:

    • Yachts
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