Barrett Howarth of Mag Bay Yachts took me on board to check out their wiring set up. Very accessible, neat and unique.
Easy access wiring on board the Mag Bay Boat
SKIPPER’S REVIEW: Let’s go on board and have a look.
MAG BAY YACHTS: So we’re here inside our center console and one of the things that we’ve really become known for is our wiring. Everything is neatly laid out everything is heat shrunk, thermally labeled. We still use fuses. We’ve tried to take everything and make it easily accessible and make it to a point where if you have something wrong you can come here and you know exactly where you’re looking. It’s really a nice setup. I think we’re one of the only builders that will actually show-case their wiring behind clear doors. Most of the time the wiring is behind a screwed end panel. We really take a lot of pride in that. That stems from our previous business as well.
SKIPPER’S REVIEW: Okay so now we came out from the toilet and we’re back up on deck.
To be continued…end of part 1
MagBay Yachts – Part 1 of 3