⚓Ah Hoy Maties! Skipper’s Review is here for you the boater, marine service provider, jet ski people, sailor, fisherman, basically if it’s ocean or water related it will eventually find it’s way onto Skipper’s Review.
Yes, we did originally put together Skipper’s Review so the boating community could find honest, reliable, experienced, professional, marine service providers. We focused on designing the business pages as simple, clean and easy to navigate for the user/boater as possible but we neglected to add a user/ boater/ profile page, if you will, a platform for you guys to creatively add reviews and communicate with your fellow boaters. Now you can not only share your service provider experience but on your new profile page you can “Buddy Up” with Skipper’s Review buddies and share pictures of your passions.
Also add video and pictures of your reviews!!
Interview with Atlantic Radio Telephone
Come join your community of boaters and marine service providers. Keeping the fun and excitement in boating with honest, skilled providers at your fingertips.
All my best
Sarah O’ Kelly
Boynton Beach Fishing Charters
Reviews of Atlantic Radio Telephone